Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a comprehensive 8-phase model of psychotherapy. This ground-breaking therapy, developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987, accelerates the treatment of disturbing life events that negatively impact patients’ everyday lives. Extensive controlled research, using EMDR with PTSD, is clinically proven as an effective method of treatment. Hundreds of published case reports are documented to date.
Bilateral stimulation in the form of eye movements, alternating sounds, or kinesthetic stimuli, while revisiting distressing memories in a defined protocol, has the capacity to produce more fully processed memory, resulting in greater integration, resolution, and calm.
The theoretical basis of EMDR is the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) System which holds that traumatic stress interferes with memory consolidation. EMDR is a method of accessing and resolving disturbing life experiences/memories that have resulted in disrupted self-beliefs, negative emotions, and distressing body sensations. EMDR therapy facilitates more adaptive neurological connections, thus allowing the brain to better access its normal healing abilities.